Getting started

Once the PennyLane-QuantumInspire plugin is installed, the provided Quantum Inspire device can be accessed straight away in PennyLane.

The Quantum Inspire device can be instantiated with a QX single-node simulator backend as follows:

import pennylane as qml
dev = qml.device('quantuminspire.qi', wires=2, backend='QX single-node simulator')

This device can then be used just like other devices for the definition and evaluation of QNodes within the PennyLane framework.

Inspecting results of computations in Quantum Inspire

When a computation has run on a Quantum Inspire backend the algorithm that was executed and the results can be inspected in Quantum Inspire. When algorithms are run on a backend of the Quantum Inspire device, all the executed algorithms are contained in a single Quantum Inspire project. After logging in to the Quantum Inspire platform an overview is given of the available projects. By opening your project the backend that computed the results is displayed. Navigating to Results show the computation results for each algorithm. Also the algorithms code can be inspected here. The project name that is used by the plugin can be passed as a separate argument project to the Quantum Inspire device constructor. For example:

dev = qml.device('quantuminspire.qi', wires=4, project='My project name')

When no project name is given the project name defaults to: 'PennyLane project 2023-02-27 16:32:38', where the last parts of the project name are replaced by the current date and local time. More information about working with Quantum Inspire can be found at Quantum Inspire Quick Guide. Specific information about managing projects can be found at Managing your projects.